I’ve been using Evernote, and taking it seriously, for over 2 years now. It’s my go-to app for note taking, long term projects, and goal setting. Quite honestly, it took me a while to figure out how to make it work for me but it’s now become a staple in my work flow.
If you’d like to see how I set up my Evernote account you can see my original post here. Everything from my original YouTube vid is still the same with the exception of 1 added detail – Table of Contents (I’ll start calling it TOC). I saw this idea on Evernote’s Youtube Channel and was intrigued.
I think this is most useful for an intermediate user. I started using it when I was having a tough time finding things in my notebooks because the notes started to accumulate. I knew I needed a system to find things quicker. So I created a Table of Contents for every active notebook I have. The main goal of the TOC is to have a go-to document with things to other notes within those notebooks. I’ve labeled each TOC “01 Table of Contents” so that it will always remain at the top so long as my notes are sorted by title.

Within each TOC I use note links so that I can navigate to each note quickly. I’ll also organize the links into categories so It’s also easy for me to find within the TOC. I’ll prioritize the notes that need my attention this week. I’ll put other categories below that so that goals and projects aren’t out of sight, out of mind.
I’ve found that the TOC helps me keep my long term goals at the forefront of each week so I don’t get side tracked. The only thing is, I have to remember to open, organize, and look at the TOC every week. So I put a daily reminder in Todoist to open it up. I know it may seem redundant to some, but it’s the only way it works for me lol!
Do you have a workflow that works for you? I would love to hear how you have yours set up to improve my own!