Fiction vs. Non-fiction

The more time that goes by (that’s just a nice way of saying “the older I get”) the more I realize everything is connected. Not just thoughts and actions, but also demeanor and the mind. I mean this in both the simplest and most complicated form.

For the most part I wear my heart on my sleeve. Though I may not shout it out on the mountain tops there are certain ways you can tell how I’m feeling. I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine last week and it made me realize that even in my reading choices are spearheaded by my emotions. I tend to lean toward fiction when I want to escape from reality, maybe because

of difficult situations. My top pics for when I want to get away are mysteries, action and adventure books, and love stories. On the other hand, I pick non-fiction and self-improvement books when I am happy, motivated, and want to challenge myself.

My current read: Aleph by Paulo Coelho

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