Good morning and happy Tuesday friends!
I’m up early today to take my mom to surgery and spared some time to update you on my journey. I had a fun coaching session with Katie yesterday and created a timeline to get some of my projects going. I’ve been so overwhelmed on how and where to get started I couldn’t think clearly. Sitting down with Katie really helped me get my butt into gear with realistic goals. I was able to ask questions I thought were stupid and create a small action plan to get my products in front of the eyes of buyers.
First thing’s first:
1. Product Photos
2. Compile my mailing list
3. Start working on my catalog
I’m going to get all my photos in order by the end of this month and send out my Valentine’s Day mailer in December. Having clear cut goals has given me a lot of motivation to get things done. Instead of all these thoughts jumbled up in my head I have realistic action steps that are feasible even with my busy schedule. Woot woot!