August 2018 Goal Setting

Honestly, I’m sitting here on the day that I’m supposed to post this and have no idea what my goals for this month are. Let’s be real, I don’t always have it all together. Heck, I rarely have my life under control. I set goals and sometimes I accomplish them, sometimes I don’t. This month, I just have a block. And since we’re being honest, I just don’t feel it. I don’t feel like being productive. I don’t want to set productivity goals or do things every day that’ll work toward a bigger goal. I just don’t wanna (in a whining little girl voice) lol!

But I’m trying. I’m trying to get myself to set some goals for this month, even if it’s smaller goals. Soooo, here we go…

1. Prioritize a healthier lifestyle. This has been an ongoing goal of mine the last few months, and now my focus is going to be body and mind. I’ve never been one to focus on physical appearances so I’ve had to really find my “why” when it comes to being healthier. For one, it’s for a positive mind. When I eat right, exercise, and take time for myself I feel more relaxed and balanced.

2. Make faith my primary source of fulfillment. Working in a service-based business and in the day and age we’re living in, it’s really easy to fall into the destructive pattern of seeking other’s approval. I always have to remind myself that it’s not the approval of others I need to see, but the Lord’s. I know that if I seek Him and serve Him first, the rest is up to Him.

3. Read a book. I’m currently reading Soar by Bishop T.D. Jakes and I’m determined to finish it this month! At the very least I can read it on the plane when we travel to Washington DC at. The end of the month (surprise!).

4. Complete 1 backyard project. We’ve been using our back yard more often ever since we finished our 1st renovation project. Almost every Sunday, we have friends over, grill, eat, and just chill out there before we all have to begin the hectic week. It’s one of my favorite things about this summer! Charlie and I have a couple other projects we want to work on for the back yard that aren’t too costly – like patch up our fence, create better lighting, and build a fire pit.

5. Get ahead of blog posts. Just like that, guys, I’m backed up on blog posts. *Sigh* After the 30 Day Blogging Challenge I was so ahead of the game for the first time ever and I was determined to keep it going. Clearly, not determined enough lol! So this month, my goal is to get ahead again. At least get in the habit of a regular writing/posting schedule.

As far as theme for the month, I think my keyword is going to be contentment. This is something that I always have a hard time with. As an entrepreneur I’m always striving to be better, keep growing, and never stopping but this is really counterintuitive to the idea of being content. If contentment is being in a state of satisfaction then I feel like I’m always the opposite. I always have this feeling of not being good enough or wanting more. So this month, I’d like to make that the theme. Heck, maybe it’ll be my theme for the next few months because I don’t think I’m going to find contentment in less than 30 days!

Happy planning and goal setting, friends! Whether you’re super motivated or a little lazy like me at the moment, still seize this day and make it your own!


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Good Friday

I honestly wasn’t sure what to write about Good Friday this year, but I knew that I was going to write something. I kept going back and forth with myself in my head. “Write anything, what’s so difficult about it?” 

If you don’t know, my husband Charlie and I are Christian. When we recommitted our lives to the Lord it changed everything for the better. Life didn’t get easier, in fact, it got harder. But I wouldn’t have been able to endure what I’ve gone through if it weren’t for my faith. And in my world, Easter is the most important day of the year. 

2 years ago I wrote a post about Good Friday, a piece I’m really proud of. When it came to write this post I kept thinking, “How can I top that post?” But honestly, I don’t think that’s what this post is going to be about.

This year, this day, I’m in a different place compared to when I wrote that post. I’m not going to put pressure on myself, instead I’m just going to let my fingers run free. Even if I’m not as prepared as I was 2 years ago to write something I hope it’s still powerful this time around. Honestly, at this time in my life I just want to remember something. I want to remember that sacrifice is humbling, truly humbling. The sacrifice that Jesus did for us on the cross forever changed the way I look at the world, and because of that I’m truly humbled and grateful.

Thank you, Lord, for what you did on the cross, where you have led me, what you are currently doing in my life, and the plans you have for me. No matter what may lie ahead, I am at peace knowing that you are at the wheel. Please help me to remember trust in your timing, to always lean on you and not on my own understanding, and to listen intently. Amen.

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Spring Cleaning Series – Maintenance Hacks

So, we’re all clean. House is looking good and the things that you’ve been keeping on your long term cleaning list are complete! Well now the goal is to maintain it right? That way come next spring it’s not going to be so hard (so much easier said than done, trust me I know). I’ve put together a few of my favorite cleaning hacks to help you keep your house clean.

  1. First and foremost, you can clean mostly anything with baking soda and vinegar. Keep that on hand at home at all times!
  2. Fill a microwavable bowl with water and lemon juice and heat it up in the microwave for 2-4 minutes. Carefully remove the bowl and wipe away all the stains.
  3. Fill a spray bottle with vodka and water. When you change your sheets or wash your couch covers spray the surface with your spray solution. Once the cushions are dry put your covers back on. This will help prevent odors and bed bugs!
  4. After you’ve cleaned your base boards and they’re dry run your dryer sheets over them a couple times. The dust will jump right off.
  5. Have a grease stain? Use some dish soap and baking soda on the stain and run it in the wash on the hottest setting the clothing will take.

Hope these help! Happy cleaning!


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