Today’s a Special Day

Today has always been a special day

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for me. My mom, a beautiful loving woman, was born on this day. So ever since I could understand the concept of birthdays (which was at an early age thanks to birthday presents lol) I knew that January 8th would always be a special day. But for the past 5 years or so, January 8th was a bit more special because 2 very important people shared the same birthday: my Mom and Ray Ray.

Last year, Jan. 8th was a bittersweet day. I wrote about it here. While I still miss Ray so much, this year I celebrate that I still have very important people here on Earth with me. I’m so thankful that my mom is alive and working toward recovery. A new journey

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begins for many people in my family this year and I’m looking forward to see where God takes us.

So happy birthday Mom happy birthday Raymond! I love you both very much!

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