Video Prep

This week I’ve been prepping to do some short informational videos of our CO Fitness Journals. Some people have been asking how I personally use them so I thought I’d share my journey with them for the past 3 months. Truth be told I am SO awkward in front of the camera! Whether it be photo or video it’s the same. Probably because I’m extremely self conscious about my physical appearance. I’ve done a few Youtube videos for CO in the past but they weren’t serious and I am NOT happy with them at all. They were filmed on my iSight camera on my laptop and the quality was meh.

Because of this, Charlie is going to help his lil’ ol’ wifey out and make me a tripod. I found this tutorial by DIY Blog Stalker on how to make an overhead camera mount. This way I could stay out of the camera. 🙂 This was the simplest tutorial ever and it cost us less than $6! A tripod arm/extender could range anywhere from $50-$160 and my hubby made mine for $6. What a steal!

We had this piece already from our octopus tripod. You could buy this piece for less than $5.


It took us less than 30 minutes to cut everything and piece together. So easy guys!


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Owning a Business is Hard

“Oh how fun! You get to play for a living.”

“You’re so lucky, you get to make your own schedule.”

“It must be nice wearing pajamas to work.”

So many people have told me about how great it must be to be a business owner. While it’s partly true, it’s also very hard. Would I trade my businesses for a full time job working for someone else? No, but it’s not all tea and crumpets if that’s what you’re thinking.

Owning a business is hard work. It’s more than a full time job, it’s a lifestyle. Most of the time (especially when you start out), you’re a 1-man operation. You have to know about sales, accounting, marketing, operations, etc. You at least have to grasp the basics of how all those things work and coincide to run a successful business. You have to make big decisions even when you don’t know the right answer. Money isn’t always stable. One month you have more than enough and then another month you don’t even have enough to get by.Customers can be nice, and customers can be mean. Some days you have no work to do and then others you’re buried. It’s the life of an entrepreneur, every day is different.

Why do I post this you ask? Well, because I want you to know something. Yes, owning a business is fun and I would never trade it for the world! But it’s hard, it’s not all fun and games. It takes serious discipline, critical thinking, a willingness to learn things you’re not good at, and a lot of will power. Most of all, you have to really believe in yourself even when others might not.

But think about it. If you’re willing to endure it, to give yourself a chance to be more than you ever thought you could be..then the sky is the limit. Don’t be discouraged about the hard work or the big decisions. Don’t be scared of it. Expect it and conquer it!



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Entrepreneur Mastermind Group

Hi everyone!

I’ve got some exciting news to share! For some time now I’ve been thinking of ways to connect fellow business owners and entrepreneurs in a safe and positive environment where we can help each other, advise, and grow together. I’m interested in starting a mastermind group, sort of like a peer mentoring group. No experience necessary, this group is open to businessmen and businesswomen of all levels. If you’re someone that would be interested in sharing with other entrepreneurs and create a community then you’re in the right place! I’m looking for positive individuals that are serious about their business.

I’ve had many friends and acquaintances confide in me asking how to start a business. It makes me so happy to see people taking a chance on themselves and their product/service. It makes me even happier to see people succeed. What better way to do that than meeting other people that understand your struggles, can give you valuable input and advice, share resources, and encourage you!

If you’re interested, send me an email at kissa[at] Hope to talk soon!



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