In a Nutshell – My Design Style

My design style has really mimicked my personal life in so many ways – it’s been everywhere. But this past year has really pushed me to define my style and aesthetic. I’ve learned so much about myself and that has helped me narrow down what I find visually appealing. I took a hiatus and stuck to brand conceptualizing for many years. Part of this was due to lack of confidence, trying out different career paths, etc. But since I started designing again I found that trying to do anything and everything was doing nothing but holding me down. I knew I needed to sit down and do some thinking. What is my design style? Ask me yesterday, and I wouldn’t even begin to tell you. This needed to be fixed PRONTO!

So, I sat and looked at all my old work. Work that I was proud of, and work that I didn’t want to look at ever again. And I realized that my design style is a representation of me and my personality.

  • Bold colors
  • Strong typography
  • Simple and clean
  • Less is more
  • Textures
  • Personalized
This is the kind of design I love! Every piece is a direct reflection of my client’s personality. It’s something that may not be “in style” but is something that my clients love because it screams character.


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In a Nutshell – My Design Style

My design style has really mimicked my personal life in so many ways – it’s been everywhere. But this past year has really pushed me to define my style and aesthetic. I’ve learned so much about myself and that has helped me narrow down what I find visually appealing. I took a hiatus and stuck to brand conceptualizing for many years. Part of this was due to lack of confidence, trying out different career paths, etc. But since I started designing again I found that trying to do anything and everything was doing nothing but holding me down. I knew I needed to sit down and do some thinking. What is my design style? Ask me yesterday, and I wouldn’t even begin to tell you. This needed to be fixed PRONTO!

So, I sat and looked at all my old work. Work that I was proud of, and work that I didn’t want to look at ever again. And I realized that my design style is a representation of me and my personality.

  • Bold colors
  • Strong typography
  • Simple and clean
  • Less is more
  • Textures
  • Personalized
This is the kind of design I love! Every piece is a direct reflection of my client’s personality. It’s something that may not be “in style” but is something that my clients love because it screams character.


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Art is in the Details

I love art because of the details. Everything in an art piece is carefully placed, positioned, and no portion goes unattended. Everything has purpose, whether it be the focal point, the negative space, or the color choices.

Our friend Aileen is our “free spirited” friend. She lives for adventure, doesn’t let anything stop her from dreaming and making it happen, and wants to see the world with her own 2 eyes. She’s one of the most optimistic, fun-loving, and beautiful people I know. While she was touring Asia, Charlie and I were lucky enough to get these beautiful business card holders from Arch Collection. They were hand-crafted and the detailed woodwork on these pieces are absolutely breathtaking. She knew that these would be perfect for us!

I love these so much business card holders for 2 reasons:

1. Because it’s a thoughtful gift from someone we love.

2. Because of the detail.

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