August Plan with Me

I’m really excited for a new month! I don’t know what it was about July, but I just wasn’t feelin it. Maybe cause it just started to get really hot this month and I hate the heat. We’re talking 118 degrees Fahrenheit  and over 100 degrees for most of the month. She’s not down with that.

I know August is still a really hot month but we’re getting closer and closer to fall which is my favorite season! I love the weather in LA once it hits around the end of October. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s talk about August. 🙂

I’m really excited for this month’s spread! I got really creative with it which I think will make me want to use it more, I think. I’m also trying out a new weekly spread that is up on my Etsy page if you want to try it out for yourself.

If you want this spread you can get it here, and if you decide to make your own version of the spread make sure to tag me on Instagram and/or Twitter!


Family Photos

I had a customer ask why I had pictures of family on the wall instead of celebrities that have eaten at our family restaurant lol!
Though I value every customer, celebrity or not, when you walk through the door my family is who deserves to be up on that wall. I want them to be one of the first things you see. We’ve struggled, tried, learned, and grew together. Mom, dad, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend – everyone that knows me has contributed to bring Ninong’s where it is today – a viable business.

Laying out the photos before we put them up

Last week Charlie and I put up more family photos so people will know and remember where we started, who started it, and what’s most important to us. Feels like home.


Social Media Stats Spreadsheet

I had no idea I was a stats nerd!
When it comes to growth on social media and other online platforms it’s all about the stats. It’s a numbers game. After that it’s what you make of those stats and turn them into conversions. You can have followers all day long, but what difference will it make if those follows and likes don’t turn into conversions?
Forbes defines conversion rates as the percentage of prospective customers who take a specific action you want. 
Whether you want to have people come to your brick and mortar store, increase your online sales, check out your sale items, call someone to set an appointment, or read a blog post, these are all conversions from your marketing efforts turning into actual results.
For me, the best way for me to create conversions for my businesses is to first understand my marketing and how it’s working for me. This is why I’ve decided to create a stats spreadsheet that tracks some basics like followers, site visits, and views. These numbers tell a tale all in themselves lol! As time goes on and as I come to understand the nature of my ideal customer I can add stats to track to make sure my marketing efforts are reaching them and the channels are effective. 
The main reason for keeping my stats for me is to make sure that the social media and marketing efforts we’re investing time and money in are working. These numbers become extremely valuable when you start investing money into things like ads. If your basic marketing numbers like followers, comments, and likes don’t increase then how do you expect to convert? If over time you don’t see any growth in your following which leads to conversion numbers, then your investment in ads wasn’t really worth the money you spent.
If you’d like to start tracking your own stats you can download this Excel Spreadsheet I created here. The spreadsheet will have 30 weeks in it (a little over 6 months) but if you’d like to have it for a year (52 weeks) you just need to copy and paste as needed. Also remember, this spreadsheet is completely customizable. Feel free to change it to make it work for you!
Happy tracking!