Things I Learned about Being a Leader

Hello from our last night in the Philippines! We’re catching our flight from MNL>ICN>LAX in about 13 hours. The last 2 days here have just been spent at my Lola’s home, packing, spending time with family and friends, and mentally preparing to go home. It’s a bit of a somber day for most of us, not just because Charlie and I will be returning home and leaving our family here, but because from thousands of miles away we all witnessed the inauguration.

I fell a bit silent on social media today, not really reading any of my feeds on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I am just done seeing all the anger and hate. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that those feelings aren’t rushing through my body. But regardless of how I felt today, Donald Trump was sworn in and became the 45th President of the United States. He is now the “Leader of the Free World.” It makes me sad for the nation and worried about the future. As I was watching the inauguration and him speak I realized the main thing that crossed my mind was, “This man is supposed to be our leader. He is supposed to represent me and the rest of the American people and he doesn’t even if he’s a business man.” Donald Trump and I actually have a few things in common. Let me explain.

I have been a small business owner since 2005, owning multiple businesses that spans about 12 years of entrepreneurship. One of those businesses is Real Estate. During my time (damn that phrase makes me feel old), Donald Trump was best known as a businessman, a real estate man. I knew about his real estate endeavors, then watched him on the Apprentice, and read about him or saw him on the news. Everyone knew who Donald Trump was, that included me. In all my years (so far) as an entrepreneur and my few years as a Real Estate Agent I don’t respect his business practices or ethics.

Then somehow he gets this crazy idea to run for president. I watched bits and pieces of his campaign as he plowed his way through the Replublican party and somehow became their primary nominee. I watched and listened as he made racist, sexist, and prejudice remarks, But not to his dismay, instead to his victory. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe that this man had gotten that far in the first place. But the thing that confused me the most is answered in a simple rhetorical question, “This is the best we got?” There is nothing he has done during his campaign to make me earn his respect.

I do not, nor have I ever respected him. Not as a businessman, and not as a president.

Why do you ask?

Before I was a business woman, I had the opportunity to be a leader. I was always the take-matters-into-your-own-hands kind of girl. In high school I started my own dance club because there was none. In college me, Charlie, and 5 other friends started another one – VENT Dance Team. It was on VENT that I really learned how to be a leader. I had the honor and privilege to help shape the lives of  maybe 100 people. I had to wrangle in anywhere between 15-35 young adults at least 3 times a week, sometimes 7 days a week. The things I learned during my time on that team shaped the entrepreneur, leader, mentor, woman, and boss I am today.

I learned:

  1. You don’t need to do it alone, surround yourself with people that lift people up not put people down.
  2. To listen to other people – another person’s perspective is extremely valuable.
  3. Selflessness is the cornerstone of a good leader – you have to prioritize others before yourself a lot of the time.
  4.  It’s better to act on objective facts than on emotion.
  5. Being a leader means you always think about/want what is best for everyone, not just for 1.
  6. To earn respect, not expect it.

In my opinion, The President doesn’t have any of those qualities. Not one.

Those of you that are lucky enough to be in a position of leadership – don’t take it for granted. It is a privilege to lead a group of people, not a right. Being a leader, mentor, and entrepreneur is something I am extremely passionate about, it’s my life’s work. It’s what I am put on this Earth to do.



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My Goals for 2017 and How I set them

I know you guys probably have your goals set for the upcoming year but I thought I’d share what I did this year to help ensure that my goals for 2017 aren’t just resolutions that get forgotten 2 weeks later.

I ain’t gon’ lie, I’ve been blogging almost 10 years now and I have never really been able to keep up with my New Year goals. Once February 1 arrives, I don’t even think I think twice about my goals. I guess that’s just because I’m more of a go with the flow person. I say that I’m going to change every year, but I don’t put in the effort or put in the investment to keep me interested in them. But this year, I’m determined to stick to it.With all the things that happened in my personal life 2016, one thing I took away is that life only happens once. Once a second passes you can’t take it back, and time is the most valuable thing we possess. TIME. Time allows us to make memories that we will always carry with us, to share laughs, love, and tears with other people, and to put our stamp on the world for the better. It is true, the best things in life are free. I’ve always wanted every second I live to have purpose toward my goals. I want to be the best version of myself I can be, and live the life that God wants for me. But with a new outlook on life, I want this more than anything I’ve ever wanted.

Being that my word for 2017 is FORWARD I spent time doing lots of research to find apps, planners, and other productivity tools that would help me keep on the prize all throughout the year. I’m going to be sharing you how I set up my apps to keep my goals on the forefront when I get back from vacation. So I sat down and wrote the most important aspects of my life. 

From there, I set different goals for different aspects of my life.

  1. Health and Fitness: Have a more happy mindset, make my health, fitness, and wellbeing a top priority
  2. Work: Too many goals to name here, but I set goals for each of my businesses and projects
  3. Home: Work on at least 1 major home improvement project, get my household more organized
  4. Personal: Find an accountability partner, do more things that give me joy, grow my faith
  5. Finance: Save $10,000, create a stricter household budget

From there, I break down those goals into monthly, weekly, and daily goals. I use Evernote to keep my goals, long term projects, and things to read in order. Then I use the Todoist app to help me with my short term projects and break down my goals into manageable tasks.

The main thing to take away is don’t waste your time on coming up with every single thing you need to get done. Even 1 year is a short amount of time when you think about it. Don’t let the weight of the new year put pressure on you in a way that hinders your own success. Think about what you can realistically get done in a year, and stick to it. Even if that means just 1 goal, so be it. You don’t need to change anything and everything about yourself in a year. Do what you can handle and go from there. Good luck to all of us this upcoming year! May the Lord bring us everything He has in store for us so that we may live out our purpose.


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Hello from Palawan!

Hello from the beautiful islands of the Philippines! We arrived in Palawan this morning and just got back from a city tour. We’re planning on visiting Honda Bay, taking a ride through the Underground River, and (of course) eating all the seafood!!! 😀

It’s cloudy and humid here, but still absolutely gorgeous. Check out this view from one of our stops from the city tour – Mitra’s Ranch, a home situated on a mountain. It wasn’t a clear day but you can still see to the ocean and the neighboring islands across the way. Takes my breath away. 

View from Mitra’s Ranch – Puerto Princesa, Palawan

I’ll be posting a couple recaps of the trip when I get back to LA, but if you’re interested in seeing what I’m up to during my travels follow me on instagram – @justkissa.

Til next time!


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