Goal Setting Series – Using Evernote and Todoist

Welcome to my 3rd and final post in my Goal Setting Series. I’m so glad that I was able to share this with you! It’s not only giving me an opportunity to put my thoughts somewhere but I’m really hoping that my thought process and workflow will help someone out there.

I was originally going to write a lengthy post about how I’m going to make a few tweaks on how I plan to use Evernote and Todoist, but I decided that instead I would doing a YouTube video about it. I think sometimes it’s just easier to walk through it and for you to visually see it than for me to take a bunch of screen shots and type it all out.

Get Evernote now: http://bit.ly/CO-Evernote
Get Todoist now: http://bit.ly/todoist-CO

I really hope this is useful for you! I’m always trying to up my productivity game so if you have any tips for me please do share in the comments!


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Goal Setting Series – My Goals for 2018

2018 is right around the corner, I feel like time is flying by so quickly! Though I want to take advantage of every day and moment I have left this year, I’m really excited to start the new year.

Now that I’ve figured what I want for myself next year, it’s time to set some goals to accomplish. The objective is to cast a wide net in the beginning, then break the goals down into smaller steps. But before I get ahead of myself let’s talk about our goals for the year shall we? Be prepared, I always set out to accomplish a lot in 1 year. 😀

  • Ninongs
    • Have success at new location
    • Do more pop up events
    • Do more catering
    • Wholesale pastries and barako coffee
    • Improve offers and menu consistently
  • CO Creative Cartel
    • Rebrand and refocus
    • Create a regular blogging schedule
    • Create podcasts regularly
    • Create YouTube videos regularly
    • Create a product or service useful for my audience
    • Increase views on all platforms by 10%
  • Real Estate
    • Double amount of listings from last year
    • Increase overall business by 30%
    • Utilize social media to attract new business
    • Consistently keep in contact with my mom’s clients
    • Challenge myself to create conversations about real estate with more people
  • Good Bad Foodie
    • Create a consistent posting schedule
    • Plan more content in advance
    • Increase viewership by 30%
    • Create value on all social media platforms
  • Personal
    • Complete 3 home improvement projects
    • Travel at least 2x this year
    • Take my faith to the next level
    • Gain more self confidence
    • Cultivate more friendships

I set out goals to accomplish in each business I run as well as personal goals. Once I figure out what I want to accomplish in 12 months I break it down to monthly benchmark goals, weekly focuses, and daily tasks. Til the next planning session!


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Goal Setting Series – What do I Want?

The time is finally here! It’s time to get into our Goal Setting Series for next year! This week, I’ll be sharing my goal setting strategy for 2018.

Once October hits, usually around the 15th, I start thinking about the following year. What am I going to do next year? What do I want to accomplish next year? But most importantly, What do I want out of life in general?

There are 2 main reasons why I wanted to be an entrepreneur, financial freedom and independence to set my own goals personally and professionally. What I didn’t know when I started was that the lines of professional and personal blur when you own a small business. It blurred in a way that I am so happy about.

These few months leading into 2018 has been a real time of reflection for me. I asked myself what I want out of my professional life as well as my personal life. Since my mom passed away, the way I looked at life changed. I wanted to focus on what was important, stop engaging with toxic people that would only transfer negative energy, and not waste my time with things that I couldn’t change. Life is too short, anything could happen. I want to live every moment, be present, and experience as much as I can. I realized my life’s purpose is to leave a positive mark on this world in a loving and gracious way – no matter how small. I want to make an impact by helping other people. This realization made me think about what I want for next year. The image above is what I want for myself next year. From here, I can start setting real and tangible goals for 2018.


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