Today at 4:30 pm we’ll be married for 5 years. OMG! 5 years!? I can’t believe it. How is that even possible?
I was telling one of my best friends how Facebook has been helping me reminisce leading up to today with their “Memories.” To be honest that’s all I really go on FB for nowadays. That and cute dog videos 🙂
Our life was so different 5 years ago and it just feels like yesterday. Our house was busting at the seams with roommates, we had 1 dog and 2 doggie mates, and we were one of the first in our group of friends to get married. I remember 1.5 years of wedding planning, lots of late nights trying to get wedding stuff done after our day jobs, and closing down Ninong’s for the weekend. October 7-9 was the only weekend in the 8 years Ninong’s has been in business that we closed down. And that was because every single person that worked at Ninong’s at the time was invited to the wedding.
The day was everything I dreamed it would be. It was so incredibly magical. I woke up at 5 am because I couldn’t sleep. Typical, since I used to wake up that early the week of all my prior clients’ weddings due to the excitement. The sun was rising and we were staying at Surf and Sand Hotel in Laguna Beach. Some of the girls, my mom, and I were getting our hair and make up done. After our first look my dad drove me in my 2002 WRX to our wedding ceremony at Heritage Park in Dana Point in front of a beautiful view. After that we celebrated the night away at [seven-degrees] in Laguna beach.
Carissa + Charlie | Same Day Edit from Loyd Calomay on Vimeo.
I was on a love high from the entire weekend that lasted way past the wedding day. We were surrounded by so much love that day, I had never experienced anything like it before in my life.
To my husband,
Thank you for all you do for me and our family. You are the most amazing man and I’m proud and fortunate to be your wife. Thank you for choosing me, for sticking by me, and for loving me for who I am not for who you want me to be. I never knew I could love someone the way I love you, and it grows with each passing day. Looking back and reminiscing about our last 5 years together, I can’t help but smile. My heart is filled with love because of all the laughs, the fun, and romantic moments. The Lord put you in my life to be my rock for when times got rough, He knew you would protect me and be there for me. And I will be forever grateful for that.
I will thank the Lord every day for giving you to me. And I no matter what life may throw at us, I know that we can conquer anything as along as we do it together. I love you.
With all my heart,