My Current Workflow Tools and What I use Them For

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been working on a workflow that works just right for my life. As an entrepreneur life gets really hectic at times and difficult to keep organized. But aside from being a business owner, life is so hectic in itself! I think I’ve found my system of keeping my personal and professional life as organized as possible, but it took a lot of trial and error to get here. No one told me that it took organization and time to actually be organized. Go figure!
First thing’s first – what is a workflow? Technically, workflow is defined as the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion. As an entrepreneur, creating a workflow is sometimes really overwhelming. You don’t know what works, you don’t know how to get started, and you don’t know what you need.
I downloaded a lot of apps over the years to try and test out different platforms. Tools like apps, notebooks, and planners are all a matter of preference. What might work for me might not work for you so it’s important to test things out, give it time, and then evaluate how it fits in with your needs. You’re not going to know within a day or a week whether something works for you. You’re going to need patience with each tool.
I didn’t realize how much investment it takes to get a productivity tool to work for you. I always just figured that once I download the app or open the planner it would just be “plug and play.” But I was so off base! It takes time to figure it out, make it work, and tweak it based on your needs. Because of the intense time investment I made in my current workflow I’m always hesitant to stray away from my current tools. It has taken me over 2 years to get it just right so if I do change something in my workflow, that must mean it was well worth it!
So here’s my current workflow and what I use each thing for. I’ll create a post on each tool so I can go more in depth in a separate post to share how I use these items. Stay tuned for those!
  1. iCal for time blocking, events, and meetings.
  2. Evernote for in depth weekly planning, writing blog posts, travel planning, long term projects, and note taking. If you’re interested in my initial set up you can watch my YouTube video here, but I actually need to update the vid. I made a few tweaks. Stay tuned for that! You can also see how I use it for travel planning here.
  3. Todoist for daily tasks and reminders. I have a YouTube video on my set up, you can view it here.
  4. Goodnotes for brain dumping, digital planner, and bible study.
  5. Trello for Blog Scheduling. Trello has been my most recent addition to the work flow. I posted about my current set up this past week, you can read it here
  6. Apple Mail for email. This one doesn’t need much explanation except for 2 things. One, I archive my inbox every week that way it’s at zero when the new work week starts. Having messages (read or unread) in my inbox has always given me anxiety. Two, if it’s an email that needs to be saved like a flight confirmation I’ll forward it to my Evernote inbox using my Evernote account email. This will send that email to my default notebook. Comes in really handy!
Yes, I use and open each app almost every day. Definitely every work day. Not only that but I have each app on my iPhone and iPad so I have it at my fingertips if I’m not in the office. First thing I do when I get into work is open up all my apps and plan my day. I’ll start with I’m thinking about doing a video on how I make it all work so if you’re interested in that let me know.
I know this may be a lot for some, but quite honestly it’s because each thing has its own function in my life. I’ve tried countless times to just use 1 app or just use a planner but I can’t make it work for what I need and want it to do. Hence, my 6 different apps lol!
If you have any apps or services that you suggest please share! I have this tendency to always want the best out there when it comes to productivity.
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Apps I use To Stay Organized

I’m quite the productivity nerd. I can geek out over productivity methods and apps all day long. In fact, if you see my recent YouTube activity it’s mostly on productivity app reviews and “plan with me” videos for the Happy Planner that I bought. No shame in the game 😛

For the longest time I’ve tried to find a system for myself that worked for me. I tried going strictly paper, strictly technology, and they both didn’t work. I finally feel like I might have found a hybrid of both paper and technology that helps me be as productive as possible. 

One of the apps I use is Evernote. I actually signed up for Evernote a long long time ago and couldn’t figure out how to make it work for me. Last year I decided that I would use it and go all in. So I scoured the internet to figure out how other people use it. After using it for 4 months I feel like I finally figured out how I can fit it into my daily life. Now that I consider myself more of an intermediate user, I’ve been able to take my set up to another level that I think/hope will work best for me. Evernote is now my main hub where all my goals lie and I set it up so that my long term goals are at the forefront. More on that in another post. I’ll be sharing my set up in the next couple weeks in a video for you all. Hopefully you’ll be able to take something away from my set up that will help with a set up of your own.

The 2nd app that I recently started using this year is Todoist. Katie and I started using it after the new year and we love it already! I actually decided to use this app specifically because everyone on YouTube kind of raves about it. I saw a few YouTubers use it in the way that I can kind of use in my own daily set up so I decided to tweak it a little and start implementing. So far it’s been everything I’ve wanted and more. Todoist is what I use to break down my long term goals I put into Evernote into more manageable weekly and daily tasks. If you guys are interested I’ll also be making a video of how I set up my Todoist for you too.

My main goal with using these productivity apps is to help me not waste my time. I’m not interested in wasting any seconds of the day. I want to maximize my time so that I can have more time for things that make me happy. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes! 🙂


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