My Grocery Shopping Strategy to Save Money

I know this may be a weird topic but trust me, it’s a story in itself. As an entrepreneur, there are high seasons of business and there are low seasons. Some times you have more business than you can handle and other times you’re searching for the next customer to come around. It’s the nature of being an entrepreneur. Because of that, I’ve learned that knowing when to budget and when to splurge is really important.

This process doesn’t just apply to grocery shopping, but shopping in general is a long process for me. I actually rarely shop for myself. My mom was a very thrifty woman, and she taught me that there are moments when you save and there are moments when you splurge. When it comes to grocery shopping this is especially important. There are moments when you can buy rib eye steaks, and there are moments you buy chuck.

The rule growing up was my mom would buy me anything as long as it’s food and I will eat it. Meaning, whatever is in our cart (including the items she picks) I have to be willing to eat. I’d buy Kid Cuisines, Fruit Roll Ups, and Squeeze-Its. She would buy salads, vegetables, and fruits. I thought it was fair trade. When I’d go shopping with my mom she would show me how to spend our grocery money wisely.

My mom LOVES a good deal, I mean LOVES. Plus, she worked with numbers all the time. She was in accounting before she was in real estate. She would drive all the way to a different grocery store for rib eye steaks if it was only on sale there. Even if it was $0.50 per lb. cheaper she would still go.

I may not be as extreme as her but she did teach me how to make sure I was getting the best price for my money. If we were buying toilet tissue I wouldn’t just look at the cheapest price tag with the same amount of rolls. You would think that 24 roll is 24 rolls. But my mom taught me that not every brand has the same amount of square feet per roll, and that’s where the true savings lie. So when I go to the store I’ll look at the square footage on the packaging. I’ll divide the square footage by the price and find the most affordable from there.

I use this same method when I buy everything – meats, rice, vegetables, etc. I would look at the cheapest price per ounce or per pound. This ensures that I get the best price that I can. So, how do I decide where to shop?

The weekly ads, duh! 😝

Once I get the ads in the mail I’ll sit down and look at all of them, circle things I’m interested in buying, and whichever has the most circles is where I’m going to shop that week. Simple as that! I don’t do extreme couponing or anything, but if I happen to have a coupon on top of the savings that’s icing on the cake! I’m not as extreme as my mom, she’d go to 2-3 grocery stores to grab every single item she needed on sale. I’d rather just go where the most items I want or need are on sale, one stop and I’m done!

I’ve found that this helps me save the most amount of money per week. Between Charlie and I we average about $50 per week on groceries. That averages out to a little over $3.50 per person per day. Not bad!

Happy shopping!


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The Entrepreneur Diaries – Do What you have to Do

As entrepreneurs we have these big, sparkly dreams of pursuing our passions. And while it’s rewarding and a dream come true we can all admit that it’s not as easy as we thought it’s as going to be. Even if we thought it would be hard, it’s always never what we expected. Then again, that’s life right? 😊

Life for me has been far from what I expected. I have definitely had a lot of ups and a fair share of downs. Charlie and I were just talking the other day about how moving our business to a larger location has forced us to make a lot of adjustments in our personal life. We’re putting in much longer hours, we don’t get to take breaks during our 12+ hour shifts, and we don’t get to see our family and friends as often as we’d like. Not to mention money is extremely tight.

My point isn’t to bitch about how hard my life is (even though it did give me a window of opportunity to do that lol 😝) but rather to say that we do what we have to do to make it work. Charlie and I agreed that we would never trade this experience for anything and if we could do it again we’d probably do it all over. Hardships, tears, and all.

Of course, I have my moments when I admit my situation just sucks. Those times where I just want to scream or burst into tears (or both). But most of the time I don’t complain. I mean let’s be real, this is a choice. Being an entrepreneur is a choice. And quite honestly, this choice aka those sparkly dreams we’re talking about are only making my life harder. But I chose this life. This is how I live my happiest life. So I do what I have to do to keep this life going.

  • I cut my spending everywhere I can.
  • I get a part-time job, a full-time job, a temp job to pay for my business/bills until it takes off
  • I work day and night
  • I get virtually no sleep
  • I eat nothing but instant ramen ($0.33 each meal, not bad!)
  • I pay my employees more than I pay myself
  • I drop everything, get on my knees, and pray for a miracle (this one happens the most often)

I’ve done all of the above with no shame.

You get it. Dreams take work. Especially the big, sparkly ones 😘


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