2014 Calendar Printable

I can’t believe 2013 is almost over. We’re less than 2 weeks away from 2014 and I’m so ready for a new year. There are so many changes coming next year and I’m just so excited for it all to happen! More on that as they come 🙂

If you’re like me, you’re starting to think about how you’re going to organize your upcoming year. And though I love me a good planner, I’m not willing to spend an arm and a leg for a calendar. I went over to Target and bought this navy and gold polka dot beauty in the 8.5″ x 5.5″ size. I bought some sleeve protectors to organize my random crap and stuck a notepad on the inside cover using the 3m removable tabs. Last thing I needed: calendar.


I designed a simple and modern design with a little pop of color for each month. I just needed a place to keep track of event dates and a place to jot down notes, so this design worked perfectly for me.


If you’d like the printable, you can download it here. The calendar runs from January – December, 2014. Just cut some nice high quality letter paper in half and run it through your printer. Voila!

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I Fell of the Wagon – Here’s a Look into my Time Management System

Yeah, that was me. The girl that whirled past you – hair a mess, make up all over the place, wardrobe – forget about it. Life has been spinning me in so many different directions that I don’t know which way I’m facing anymore! But I’m drawing myself back – back to the days of sanity and organization. Back to the days where I was working smarter instead of harder.

A good friend of mine asked me how I keep track of my schedule. After a long series of trial and error I found a system that works, for me at least. I tried having a date book, I tried a binder with divider tabs, I tried my computer…and nothing would stick. Until recently. Thanks to the wonderful things like Google Apps and iCloud I finally have a system that I’ve created for myself that I’ve been able to maintain.

1. I need flexibility. The problem with having a datebook that I wrote into – pens are so concrete. Ha! I know, this may sound silly. But the thought of putting something down on my calendar using a pen makes it so finite. Even pencil wouldn’t do. My obsessive-compulsive side wouldn’t allow me to leave any sign of erase marks in my sparkling clean datebook. Plus, the thought of having to carry yet another thing in my bag will make the strap break in half (I carry my whole world in my purse!). My schedule is always ever-changing and the flexibility of having that option to change it on my iPhone or iPad with ease is gold. But wait, it gets better.

2. Thanks to good ol’ iCloud and Google Apps, I can sync all my devices so that all the same information is everywhere!!!! I.Love.This. I can’t even begin to explain how much I love this. Now people can ask for my availability and I can tell them in a second. I can even share my calendar with Charlie so he knows what my schedule is like throughout the week. Life made easier. LOVE.ETTTT.

3. But, I still use my stack of post-its and notepads. For what? My to-do list. There’s nothing like the feeling of crossing something out when you complete a task. So freeing i-tell-ya. 🙂

4. At the end of the day, before I shut down my computer I make a list of things I need to do the next day and review my schedule for the next 7 days. I’ll then update my calendar or add to my to-do list as time goes on. But this gives me a chance to download and clear my head to make sure I can enjoy the rest of the day/evening with some peace of mind.

So there you have it! But, le sigh, I’ve fallen off the wagon. I haven’t even touched my calendar in weeks. Someone keep me accountable! I’m getting back on the horse on Monday!

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Art is in the Details

I love art because of the details. Everything in an art piece is carefully placed, positioned, and no portion goes unattended. Everything has purpose, whether it be the focal point, the negative space, or the color choices.

Our friend Aileen is our “free spirited” friend. She lives for adventure, doesn’t let anything stop her from dreaming and making it happen, and wants to see the world with her own 2 eyes. She’s one of the most optimistic, fun-loving, and beautiful people I know. While she was touring Asia, Charlie and I were lucky enough to get these beautiful business card holders from Arch Collection. They were hand-crafted and the detailed woodwork on these pieces are absolutely breathtaking. She knew that these would be perfect for us!

I love these so much business card holders for 2 reasons:

1. Because it’s a thoughtful gift from someone we love.

2. Because of the detail.

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