Cloud Bread Recipe – Stuff we Make

Since I’m back on that #lowcarblife I thought I’d share one of my fave recipes. It is a little tedious but trust, it’s worth it!

Cloud bread is a great alternative for bread or hamburger buns for those of us that are on a low carb or keto diet. It has virtually no carbs (about 1g per piece) and for those of us that crave bread especially when we can’t have it *raises hand* this is the perfect solution, for me anyway. I’m not going to lie, it’s not exactly like a hamburger bun. It’s more light and airy than it is spongy. But hey, beggars can’t be choosers right?! 😛

I like to have salami, brie, and romaine lettuce on these bad boys. The romaine gives a nice texture crunch 🙂 The recipe below yields about 12 pieces.




  • 4 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • Cream of Tartar, 1/4 tsp


  1. Preheat your oven to 300 degrees F.
  2. Separate your egg yolks and your egg whites into bowls.
  3. Add cream cheese to your egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Set aside
  4. Add your cream of tartar to your bowl with the egg whites.
  5. Using a stand up mixer or a hand mixer whisk egg whites until firm fluffy peaks form.
  6. Add egg yolk mixture to egg whites and fold in.
  7. Get a baking sheet and line with foil. Spray surface with a cooking spray. You can also use a brush and brush oil onto the surface if you don’t have any spray.
  8. Spoon batter onto baking sheet into desired size. Note: the batter won’t spread too much so you can create the size you want with the raw ingredients.
  9. Put into oven and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
  10. Place onto baking rack and let cool.
  11. Put into a ziplock back or tupper ware and allow to set in refrigerator overnight.




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Spicy Tuna Cucumber – Low Carb Sushi

Hello Wednesday!

I know it’s been a bit quiet around here, I’ve missed blogging so much but I’ve been doing a lot of work behind the scenes to streamline my process while trying to focus on the product and what truly matters.

While I’m still trying to calm down from the excitement and exhaustion that was Unique LA Spring Show (recap coming soon), Charlie and I have been on our new diet for 10 days now. This diet (called the anabolic diet) is a natural next step to my low-carb lifestyle. It’s a low carb diet for 5 days, then switches to a high carb diet for 2, and then starts all over again. To rid your system of most of the glycogen in your system, you do a 12-day straight low carb diet. My carb amount is set to 5%.

Now that all the technicality is out of the way, I have to share this low-carb sushi alternative. As you guys know, I love sushi. I could have it every single day for every meal if I could! So this whole low-carb diet is putting a damper on my sushi-game. Until now 🙂


YES. It’s as good as it looks people!

For the spicy tuna you’ll need:

  • 1.5 lbs Ground Tuna (sushi grade)
  • 1 tbs toasted sesame oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbs chili flakes (more or less depending on your taste buds)
  • 1 tsp cayenne pepper (more or less depending on your taste buds)

We also made a wasabi mayo to go with it to give us that little bite. To make the wasabi mayo you’ll need:

  • 1 tbs wasabi paste
  • 3 tbs mayonnaise

Slice up a cucumber (not too thin so it can hold), top the spicy tuna on top, and drizzle a little bit of soy/lemon on top. Be careful with the soy sauce, though. Of all the items in this recipe, it has the most carb content. But you should be fine as long as it’s not swimming in it.


OMG. Just looking at these makes me want to make it again for dinner tonight!

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Low Carb Diet in Full Effect

It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged about anything really personal. 10% because “I don’t have time” and 90% because of fear. I don’t know if I’ve told you before, but I have a fear of vulnerability. I’m scared of the negative, anxiety, and all things awkward. And for some time now, I’ve been trying to break from that.

A month ago I started calorie counting again. And while I’ve been making progress I haven’t met the goals and expectations I set for myself. So last week, I told myself that I was going to take it another step further. So I decided to start a low-carb diet and it’s really made a huge improvement.

For the past month or so I’ve been wearing my Fitbit Flex to track my calorie burn, steps, and sleeping patterns.



Thanks to this baby and the MyFitnessPal App I’ve been able to visually see what kind of food I put in my body and the progress I’m making. It’s helped me to see when I’ve exceeded my goal and when I’ve come up short.

So when I saw what my carb intake was I was so surprised! I was one of those people that thought pasta, rice, and bread was the only thing with a high carb content. So I’ve decided that though I’m not going to let go of carbs all together (cuz that would be stupid, I still need a balanced meal) I’m going to cut down to a more healthy portion. This has helped me tremendously!

Since I bought my Fitbit, I’ve lost 7 pounds. I’m still far from my goal, but I’m getting there. Little by little, the healthy way. 🙂

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