New Announcement: Our New Line of Custom iPhone and iPad Cases

I’m so incredibly excited, I can hardly contain myself! I’ve been thinking about this for weeks now. And I want my blog readers to be the first to know.

Charlie and I are huge techies, especially when it comes to Apple products. And a few weeks ago, I got my newest iPhone case, a custom printed plastic casing with our wedding photo printed on the back.  I got so many compliments on the case and people asking where I got it. Excuse the horrible photograph.

I figured out how I can put my love for designing and my love for technology together. CO: Creative Cartel will now be offering a line of iPad/iPhone cases and custom printed iPad/iPhone cases! Send me a photo, have me design a custom design for you, or select from our line of custom designs. Our spring/summer line will be up by May and we’ll be working on the fall/winter designs soon after! Take a look at some of our inspiration sketches (made on Paper by 53). I’m not much of a sketch artist, but I think you’ll get the idea. My drawing skills are definitely not up to par! Let the bad sketch jokes commence.

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What I am and What I’m not

Accepting yourself for who you are is no easy task. The faults, the beautiful quirks, the pet peeves, the obsessions…there is so much that goes into making a person unique. One of the hardest things I still struggle with is accepting who I am and being proud of it. I don’t know if I will ever be able to say that I am comfortable in my own skin, but what I do know is that I’m going to continue to be the best me that I can be. And I think that starts with starting to really investigate my inner self. Start to make decisions to better myself. Moreover, sticking with those decisions and actually taking action.

I am…
…a wife.
…a woman of God.
…a daughter.
…a friend.
…a student.
…a motivator.
…a techie.
…an event designer.
…a graphic designer.
…an entrepreneur.

I am not…
…a little girl.
…an expert.

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