Taking a 90 Degree Turn

This week has been rougher than usual. With our new pup Evee in the house, our lives have been turned upside down. Okay maybe not upside down but it definitely did a 90 degree turn.

Poor thing has had what is most commonly called Kennel Cough. People call it the dog version of bronchitis. She’s been spitting up, coughing, and resting non-stop for the last week. Luckily the adoption place warned us that there was a possibility this could happen, but we didn’t really know what to expect. She’s improved a lot since then, thank goodness. But it didn’t keep her from losing sleep all this week. So forgive me, I’m a little lethargic.

Despite all the challenges of keeping the peace in the house, taking care of a sick puppy, making sure our wonderful 1st dog doesn’t get jealous, processing iPhone and iPad orders, managing multiple businesses, and working freelance…(oy!) I think I’ve held it together pretty well. 🙂

Cheers to a relaxing weekend! Not for me though, I’ll be working.

…and then doing it all over again! Yay!

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We Added a new Member to the Family!

Charlie and I have been going back and forth about the idea since Feb. of this year. At the end of the year, I was devastated when some of my awesome roommates had to move out of our little home. We’re a family, and seeing the little birdies fly from the nest was hard for me. I missed talking to them when they were home, having dinner together, hanging out on the weekends, seeing them all the time….You name it, I missed it. But the hardest part was for our pup Baxter. He had a nice little pack that came along with our roomies, 3 lady dogs to be exact. They were all buddies and then in one fell swoop, BAM! They were gone. Baxter hasn’t been the same ever since. He was more clingy, he cried even louder when we’d come home. He’d scratch on the door to try to get inside. We knew he felt lonely. But were Charlie and I ready to make a commitment to taking care of a second dog? I wanted to give it some time and think about it. Then on Saturday, my cousin and my aunt found a cutie that was up for adoption!

Say hello to Evee and Baxter

Evee is the new addition to our family. I’m excited to get her acquainted with her surroundings, and make her feel at home. 2 terriers in the house is going to be a challenge, though, that’s for sure. But for Baxter to have a companion and to be able to have a new pup in our lives surpasses all the challenges we’re going to face! Welcome home, Evee!

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