Without My Mom – Year 2

I’m taking a break from my regularly scheduled programming to remember my mom today. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since she left us, it feels like just yesterday.

I don’t know why it’s so difficult for me to accept, I know they say that time heals but I disagree. I feel just as devastated today as the day she passed. I relive her last weeks in hospice, what it was like for my family, how many people came to see her. I relive her last day and the morning that it happened quite often, that image of her and everyone around me that is engrained in my mind forever. I relive the moments after she passed. I cried like I never have before, unabashedly, like no one was there.

I cried into every person’s arms that hugged me. As I write this, I’ll admit that tears still roll down my face. I just miss her so much. There are the days where I celebrate her and then there are the days I mourn. Today is a combination of the 2.

I was 7 in this picture – from then until I was 30 I believed my mom was invincible. She was my Super Woman. Yes, we didn’t agree on a lot of things but we also agreed on a lot of other things. As I grew older a lot of people told me that I remind them of my mom. I never saw it, until now. There are lots of people that miss my mom and when they see me they say I’m just like her. I take that as a compliment. 🙂

I miss you, Mommy! Here on Earth or up in Heaven you’re still my Super Woman. 


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Mother’s Day Cards are up in the Shop

Oh my! I can’t believe Mother’s Day is right around the corner. With Unique LA (more on that later) right around the corner, then Mother’s Day,

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then Father’s Day, and graduation season…OMG! I can barely keep up!

We’ve got 2 hand lettered Mother’s Day Cards up in our shop and a few more to trickle in within the next week.



Our “Hey Ma” Mother’s Day card was hand lettered by yours truly.


And our “Super Moms” card is by Charlie. Super Moms make Super Sons coming soon 🙂

Now I’m off to work at the bakery for the weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!

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