Collaboration with 1800Registry

We’re beyond excited to announce that CO will be working with 1800Registry! We’re hoping to get everything up and running by July, can’t wait to share our page from their site soon! Thank you to the team at 1800Registry for your guidance and help, can’t wait!

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Granada Hills Wedding Invitations – Sergio and Imelda

For my loyal readers (if, in fact, I have any) you’ll remember my old post about Sergio and Imelda’s Save the Dates. Well the days of saving the date have come and gone so quickly. A couple weeks ago, we finished the design for their wedding invitations! Working with these two were amazing. They were easy to communicate with, a pleasure to work with, and are just great people in general! I wish you both a lifetime of happiness!

Now, for the design! We obviously wanted to go with a similar look and feel as the Save the Dates but my goal was to give it some fresh life and its own personality. I didn’t want the invites to be a boring repeat of what their guests have already seen. So, we went with a bold red for the pocket, the same red for the names, and subtle artwork to accent the design.

Full Invitation Suite

For the invitation card, we wanted to carry through a similar look to the Save the Date cards, so we went with the same right alignment with the same fonts for their names and body text.

Invite Card

To balance the heavy amount of text on the right, we added some art on each left corner to add some personality and weight.

Invite Card

Sergio and Imelda had some requirements on their RSVP card, and I think we were able to design them nicely. We went with a left alignment of the type for an easy read and balanced the heading with artwork in the same shade.


The thing I love most about their suite? The contrast of color! Between the creams and reds, they had such a rich and warm color palette. I love when clients aren’t scared of adding vibrant colors!

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Our 6 Month Wedding Anniversary

We barely even spent time together that day. We finally reunited at 7 pm that night but didn’t even really make a big deal of it. On Sunday (Easter), Charlie and I realized we’ve hit 6 months of married bliss. Those 6 months came and went faster than the blink of an eye.

I can’t believe how fast time has gone by, but looking back on the days of marriage since the wedding put a huge smile on my face. Charlie and I have grown so much. We’ve been through ups and downs, good times and bad, smiles and tears. Every experience has been a learning curve but has made us stronger and better people. I KNOW that we’re right where we are supposed to be.

Our wedding was absolutely magical. There was definitely love in the air, coming from each other AND our friends and family. Reliving that day just made me feel all those emotions again. Check out this amazing Same Day Edit that Loyd Calomay of Loyd Calomay Films created for us!

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