Climbing up a Mountain Called Change

Happy Monday friends! Today is such an empowering day for me.

Though difficult to stay focused and trying with all my might not to get overwhelmed, I am so at peace with where I am at this very moment. And without a doubt,

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that’s a hard thing for me to say. Not because I don’t want to say it, but because I haven’t been able to say it for a while. A long while. I feel like I’m in a climbing state in my life, and I’m so excited for how far this journey up the mountain will go. I have never been more content with where I am in my life and where my life is going. I am finally excited to just let go and let fate do the walking. Just being present in the moment, listening, and embarking on this journey of what I am called to do. The armor, the wall I had in the past that was blocking me is slowly beginning to unravel layer by layer. With each layer I become more vulnerable and scared, but I also become more wise and confident.

Needless to say a lot of mistakes had to be made. Ok, let’s not call them mistakes. Let’s call them learning experiences. Some I had to let go of and accept that those chapters in my life were finished. Some I had to take a deep breath and make a little change – be more me, and not worry about everyone else. I’m beginning to accept what I know and what I still have to learn. It is hard work. I think most of all it’s most difficult to have to self-evaluate yourself, to take off the rose-colored glasses and see the REAL you.

Every time I have written on my blog, have talked to my friends and family, and have given advice to just listen and “just be” has been where

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I thought I saw true clarity. But today – TODAY is where it becomes even less foggy. I’m sure as time goes on I will see things clearer and clearer, but today begins my true journey. I asked the tough questions, I let go of all the negativity, and am beginning to sort through my life in a way that helps me to see success and happiness in my future. And for that I am so grateful.

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Cutting Myself Some Slack

I have high standards and expectations for myself. I set the bar really high, plan so that I can achieve it, and have this glowing dream of success and happiness. But when things don’t go as planned I burrow myself in my thoughts, I feel like I’m not good enough, and I start picturing the worst case scenario. But this week I realized, that I need to cut myself some slack. I am worth more than I give myself credit for, and sometimes, I should take pride and celebrate. Lifting it up to God will ease my pain, give me the confidence that I need through Him, and remember he has my best interest and just need to trust in Him.

So today, and every day after this one I will set the bar high, work hard, dream of success and happiness, and trust whole-heartedly in God’s plan. Happy Thursday everyone!

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Cutting Myself Some Slack

I have high standards and expectations for myself. I set the bar really high, plan so that I can achieve it, and have this glowing dream of success and happiness. But when things don’t go as planned I burrow myself in my thoughts, I feel like I’m not good enough, and I start picturing the worst case scenario. But this week I realized, that I need to cut myself some slack. I am worth more than I give myself credit for, and sometimes, I should take pride and celebrate. Lifting it up to God will ease my pain, give me the confidence that I need through Him, and remember he has my best interest and just need to trust in Him.

So today, and every day after this one I will set the bar high, work hard, dream of success and happiness, and trust whole-heartedly in God’s plan. Happy Thursday everyone!

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