July 2018 Goal Setting

Another month, another set of goals!
I did ok with my goal setting in June, accomplishing about half of my goals for the month. I know I know, half isn’t great. Obvi. But it’s better than I’ve been the 1st half of the year. I liked how I did a goals check in at the middle of the month, it helped me to realize the way my brain operates when trying to achieve something. But quite honestly, I haven’t really accomplished much after the June 15th check in. That’s something I definitely want to be better at.
I’m going to switch up how I structure my weeks and days. I want to shift my focus for the 2nd half of this year. The shift in my weekly and daily structure has been mainly to focus on self and self care. Considering my word for 2018 has been build I think I’ve created some traction in my work life but not so much in my personal life. As a self proclaimed work-a-holic self care is just almost non-existent for me. Sadly, even washing my face is sometimes a luxury. In July, a big part of what I want to focus on is small daily and weekly changes that I can make toward self care. With more personal fulfillment and confidence comes more capability for work. If we focus on solely on work and don’t focus on basic personal needs then there’s only so much we’ll be capable of.
That being said, here are my July goals:
  1. Continue to keep my plants alive! Gurl. I’m so freakin proud of myself. The 2 plants I bought are still alive! Thank the Lawd!! I even bought a rosemary plant that I’m trying to keep alive, so far so good. Stay tuned on Instagram, I’m going to try to share my plant adventures.
  2. Read 1 book. Right now, “Soar” by Bishop T.D. Jakes is my book of choice. If you have not heard of T.D. Jakes you must must must watch this Q&A with Steven Furtick about this book. Entrepreneurs, this one’s for us. I’m determined to finish this by the end of the month so I’ll give you my in depth review once I finish it.
  3. Exercise and make better food choices. I didn’t work out as much as I wanted to in June. Ok, lessbehonest here, I haven’t worked out as much as I wanted to all year. Work came first. Work is my excuse for why I haven’t had time. That changes this month.
  4. Make time for skincare, hydration, and vitamins. I’ve got my routine down, just need to not be lazy and work it into my day.
  5. Further my relationship with God. This is a big one for me. I’ve mentioned before that my faith is the anchor for my life. When I’m not centered and making time daily to grow my relationship with God I feel completely off in every aspect. Work, personal, mindset, everything.
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Don’t let Anyone Tell you Otherwise

Photo by: Sarah Pflug
In the 10 years my family has owned our restaurant we’ve noticed many trends with the large amounts of people we interact with on a daily basis. The number 1 thing I know is we are so blessed to meet and encounter wonderful people in our community every day. It’s a privilege and a blessing to be able to share our family recipes with others! We’re thankful for them beyond measure. But on the other side of it I noticed the entitlement and lack of manners in our society.
I’ve become almost numb to the way people treat me, my family, and my team as people that work laborious jobs. Almost. When I see people treat others disrespectfully it really bothers me. Being in various customer service and restaurant industries I’ve been talked to badly just because of my role or position they think I’m in. I’ve seen it at other places too, as a customer observing the employees being barked at by other customers. I’m honestly not sure what people are thinking when they see servers, cooks, janitors, sales people, etc. and automatically assume we are beneath them. There’s this sense of hierarchy that I guess I didn’t realize was there. People have snapped their fingers at me like I’m their maid (which should never be done to a cleaning person or anyone btw). People have ignored me completely because they think I’m not in a position that is worthy of attention. People have treated and talked to me differently just because I’m serving people food or bussing a table. 
I mean even if I am a server, a cook, a cleaning lady, or a dishwasher, so what? My “status” is irrelevant. What makes me so different that people think they can talk to me rudely? Cuz they can’t, they shouldn’t. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. More importantly, don’t let anyone have that much power over you.
I realized that this issue transcends a lot of industries. It’s sad that out of 98% of the people that are kind and respectful the 2% have enough power to make someone’s day or life miserable. We can’t let them have this kind of control. I say enough is enough!
I’m saddened for our society and what I’ve noticed. I watch the news and see more disrespect and hate toward each other than ever before. I see it online and in social media. I see the comments on people’s feeds, posts, and videos that are racist, sexist, prejudiced. People can’t respectful disagree with each other. I see it in my restaurant too. I hear people talking about how they don’t want to speak to a relative or friend anymore because of differing lifestyles, beliefs, and political views. Where is the grace? Where are the manners? Where is the love for our neighbor? Do we really live in a time where there are people that take time out of their lives to be mean and spread hate in this world because it makes them feel better about themselves? It’s unfortunate. I vowed that I would never be that customer or that person. 
If you’re that shining light in people’s lives then you can make someone’s day brighter. You can give them that little push they might need to get through the day. It’s not easy to always be positive or see the good. I know it’s probably easier to gossip, troll, or be mean. There are times that LAWD KNOWS I’ve wanted to go. off! They are so lucky I’ve learned to hold my tongue and just show people some grace. I don’t want to revolve my life around negativity and find gratification in putting someone else down. Who would want that? Who would want to be the person that no one wants to be around because they’re so negative? I’m a firm believer that 1 person can make a difference. Working on this side of customer service has taught me so much about gratitude, kindness, grace, and manners. You can be that 1 person it someone’s life and not even know it. You can make an impact in a good way. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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What’s in my Purse – Every Day Essentials

I had dinner with one of my best friends a while back. While we were driving to our favorite sushi spot I asked her to grab my purse from the back seat. She reclined her seat and suddenly said, “WOW! What do you have in there?! Your purse is like 20 lbs!”

I’m admittedly one of those ladies that just has everything in her purse. I have the hardest time using small bags because I’m always worried I might need something while I’m out and not have it on me. I end up having everything under the sun in my purse lol!

  • I have a large bulky wallet with every active card I have. This is including my library card which I don’t even need on my person because I borrow library books online. I even have my Vegas rewards cards. WHY?!
  • I have a zipper pouch that has all my cosmetics which is pretty normal. But I also have a bottle of allergy medicine (yes a whole bottle), melatonin, and green tea pills. Like I’m going to need melatonin while I’m out LOL! I should really take that out of my purse.
  • I have my iPhone and iPad. When I was using a paper planner I had that in my bag too, but thankfully I’ve migrated my planner to my iPad.
  • I have a spare battery to charge my iPhone and iPad in case I’m out and about and am running low on battery. I rarely use this, TBH, unless I’m traveling. I should take this out of my purse too.
  • I also have a zipper pouch with charging cables in it – lightning cable, micro USB, and Apple Watch.
  • I’ve got other random but needed stuff hand sanitizer in there, sun glasses, hand lotion, wipes, business cards, receipts, keys, headphones, etc. I actually found cold medicine in there too. I can’t get myself to take it out haha!

Clearly I could do better about lightening up the load in my purse lol! Having to carry this much weight is actually pretty annoying. I just can’t help myself. I’m such a “what-if” person. I’m always scared that I’m going to be somewhere and I won’t have something I need.

Despite my purse hoarding issues there are things that I use every day that I definitely can’t live without (besides my phone and iPad). Here are 5 of my current every day essentials:

  1. Tinted lip balm
  2. Hand lotion
  3. Wipes
  4. Mirror
  5. Allergy medicine

Maybe that should be one of my goals for next month, get a smaller purse and lighten up my load. What do you think?



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