Another month, another set of goals!

I did ok with my goal setting in June, accomplishing about half of my goals for the month. I know I know, half isn’t great. Obvi. But it’s better than I’ve been the 1st half of the year. I liked how I did a goals check in at the middle of the month, it helped me to realize the way my brain operates when trying to achieve something. But quite honestly, I haven’t really accomplished much after the June 15th check in. That’s something I definitely want to be better at.
I’m going to switch up how I structure my weeks and days. I want to shift my focus for the 2nd half of this year. The shift in my weekly and daily structure has been mainly to focus on self and self care. Considering my word for 2018 has been build I think I’ve created some traction in my work life but not so much in my personal life. As a self proclaimed work-a-holic self care is just almost non-existent for me. Sadly, even washing my face is sometimes a luxury. In July, a big part of what I want to focus on is small daily and weekly changes that I can make toward self care. With more personal fulfillment and confidence comes more capability for work. If we focus on solely on work and don’t focus on basic personal needs then there’s only so much we’ll be capable of.
That being said, here are my July goals:
Continue to keep my plants alive! Gurl. I’m so freakin proud of myself. The 2 plants I bought are still alive! Thank the Lawd!! I even bought a rosemary plant that I’m trying to keep alive, so far so good. Stay tuned on Instagram, I’m going to try to share my plant adventures.
Read 1 book. Right now, “Soar” by Bishop T.D. Jakes is my book of choice. If you have not heard of T.D. Jakes you must must must watch this Q&A with Steven Furtick about this book. Entrepreneurs, this one’s for us. I’m determined to finish this by the end of the month so I’ll give you my in depth review once I finish it.
Exercise and make better food choices. I didn’t work out as much as I wanted to in June. Ok, lessbehonest here, I haven’t worked out as much as I wanted to all year. Work came first. Work is my excuse for why I haven’t had time. That changes this month.
Make time for skincare, hydration, and vitamins. I’ve got my routine down, just need to not be lazy and work it into my day.
Further my relationship with God. This is a big one for me. I’ve mentioned before that my faith is the anchor for my life. When I’m not centered and making time daily to grow my relationship with God I feel completely off in every aspect. Work, personal, mindset, everything.

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