My Why – My Story, My Inspiration, and Fundraising for a Good Cause

To donate in honor of my mom, click here.

I’ve watched as God’s will has unfolded itself in my life. There have been good and bad moments, but they have all led me here. Through faith, life lessons, and discipline I’ve learned to finally be content and happy with the life that God has given me. No, life isn’t perfect. No, He didn’t fix my financial issues that way I wanted Him to. No, He didn’t give me everything I want. But now I realize, He gave me everything I need.

“The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.” Job 1: 21

 I never thought that needing to know why I am an entrepreneur mattered. I just thought that this just happened to be how I make money. But I was wrong, I learned that it’s way more than that. My personal life and my professional life have intertwined in the most beautiful way. In my latest video, I gave myself an opportunity to share a little bit of my story and through the making of it I realized a lot of things about myself.

My mom started a lot of great things, thriving businesses, held together a wonderful family, among other things. During her time battling cancer she wanted to give back to City of Hope where she was being treated. She was only able to raise $325.00 before she passed away so I am hoping to raise the remaining amount in her honor.

To donate, go to Any amount counts, but if you don’t have anything to give maybe you can do this girl a solid and share my video so we can reach my mom’s goal together.


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