How I Came up with my Planner Design

I’ve always had a planner/organizer, even when I was in middle school. Cuz you know, middle schoolers have so much going on lol! My mom had this giant planner that she carried around with her everywhere. I still have it to this day. It had her entire life in it. It’s like I can’t part with it because it was such a big part of who she was. Is that weird? She would take it to work, to the grocery store, even on vacations. So clearly, growing up I knew I needed one too. I loved the idea of having everything in 1 place – a space where I can see my day, what I have planned, take down notes, memories, etc.

My mom’s Franklin Covey



As a long time fan of planners I’ve searched and searched for the perfect planner for me, but haven’t been able to find one that hit every mark on my wish list.  So naturally, as a graphic designer I decided to design one for myself. It took me a long time to even get the design going it’s crazy. I did a lot of research on planners, why I felt like they weren’t right for me, and applied things that I thought I would find essential to my work flow. The hard part was figuring out where to start. An effective work flow system is key when you’re designing a planner so it was really overwhelming. Who would think that putting a bunch of squares onto a page would be that complicated.

While doing my research I came across the bullet journal system. The idea of versatility was really interesting to me. The idea of customizing pages, changing things up as you need to without feeling restricted – that was a DREAM COME TRUE! The planner nerd in me was so excited for this! I tried out the bullet journal system for a while but quickly realized that as much as I wanted to get creative and sketch out my layoutsfrom scratch every day/week (the creative side of my brain loved this system) I simply couldn’t do it. I just didn’t have the time, at least for now. So, I ventured to create a template that I designed when drawing my bullet journal layouts. I’ve been using since the end of 2017 and I think I found the layout that works best for me and my workflow.

If you’re interested in getting the layout you can purchase and immediately download a digital copy in my Etsy Store soon! The templates will launch on Wed. (May 23, 2018)! I have a few different templates so hopefully people can use what works best for them. If you’re a digital girl like me you can import the file onto your iPad or tablet. But if you’re a fan of the analog/paper planners(I’m still a fan) I’ve also listed the templates that I used to use when I was using the Happy Planner. If you’re using a system that isn’t available I can use the dimensions of your planner and adjust it to that size 😊 Just shoot me an email or message me on Etsy and we’ll get started.

Happy planning!


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