I Found My Very First Business Card

I was looking through my mom’s old Franklin Covey planner. I’ve looked through it so many times since she passed away. But this time I took my time with it. I flipped through all the pages, saw all the notes, opened up all the pockets. I found her real estate headshot in 1 pocket, my kindergarten photo in another, and my very first business card in the last. My heart instantly melted!
Oh the memories that this bad boy brings. 2004, at 19 years old, I started my first business. What was I thinking. LOL! I look back now and try to remember how I felt, where I was in my life, and how fearless I was back then. I see GaryVee post all the time about being young and having an entrepreneurial mindset. In hindsight it’s so true. Luckily, I wasn’t afraid of trying. I wasn’t afraid of just going for it. I took all my businesses seriously, it was never a side hustle for me. I was 110% in! Everything else I did was just to make ends meet.
Man, seriously though. My event planning days…those were the days haha! I used to think that was as complicated as life could get. I WAS SO WRONG! I had so much fun, I was so passionate about what I did, and I made great friends along the way. I would never trade that time of my life for anything in the world.

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