Prepping for Hawaii – 7 days to Paradise

OMG, I can hardly contain myself friends! In 7 days, the Ortega’s (and dear friends) are heading to Hawaii for a glorious 10 days!!!!

Hawaii is just one of those places for me. I’m in love with the weather, the people, the food, and the vibe. When I’m there, I feel like I’m on top of the world, like I can do anything, and best of all – I’m not stressed. The first time Charlie and I went, we went for work – still not stressed. The 2nd time we went, we went for the honeymoon. Because we were gone for a glorious 2 weeks and because I’m a small-business-work-a-holic, I did work a little bit. But still, no stress. This third time should be even better! I’ll be there with Charlie, my brothers-in-law, my cousin, and dear friends. And I’m over the

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Prepping for travel is always hectic for me. I want to “glamify” myself. You know, the woman essentials: mani, pedi, and hair. I start making lists of things I need, I start overpacking…you know, the usual.

Today, I got the mani/pedi. Tomorrow I’m on a search for our new luggage at TJ Max and buying a sleep aid that’ll knock me out during the short 5 hour plane ride. šŸ™‚

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